D.P.'s Notable Mentions


Birmingham Parent Magazine: An Insider's Scoop on Children's Book The Brave Little Panther

Birmingham Parent Magazine: An Insider's Scoop on Children's Book The Brave Little Panther

The Homewood Star: Prettiest Author in Alabama enters Homewood book market:


Village Living: Prettiest Author in Alabama enters Mountain Brook book market:


Women's Era Magazine: There’s a New Author on the Scene! Introducing The Prettiest Author in Alabama: D.P. Johnson:

There’s a New Author on the Scene! Introducing The Prettiest Author in Alabama: D.P. Johnson - Woman's era (womansera.com)

Reader's Favorite: Professional Book Review of The Brave Little Panther:


Words on Pages Bookshop:

"D.P. Johnson is a heartwarming and empowering children’s author whose books captivate young readers and inspire big dreams. Her stories are beautifully written and paired with vibrant illustrations that bring every page to life."

DeDe's Book Rack:

"The Brave Little Panther by D.P. Johnson is a sweet tale of courage and determination. 
Rose proves that you don't have to be the biggest or oldest to change the community you live in."

News Break:


Ground News:
